Friday, May 11, 2012

Safety Tips Part II , Home Security Alarm Systems,

Last week we shared 5 Tips on how to keep you safe. Here are tips 6 -10 provided by B&D Security.
  1. Make sure your yard is well lit – especially around windows and entry doors. Not only will this deter predators from stalking your yard but it will allow you to see out if you suspect something is amiss.
  2. When you are away, don’t advertise – don’t let mail, newspapers, or recyclables and trash build up while you’re on vacation or away for work. Ask a trusted neighbor or friends to pick up these items to make your house look “lived in.”
  3. Practice key security – be wary about lending your keys to anyone. Key duplication is simple, takes just a few minutes, and costs pennies. Even if you trust the person you’re lending your house keys to, they may inadvertently make those keys available to unscrupulous folks looking to make a quick buck. Always ask for your keys back and consider using keys that cannot be duplicated or locks that can easily be rekeyed.
  4. Join or start a neighborhood watch – you don’t have to organize patrols, just talk with your neighbors and get them all to agree to be mindful of their surroundings. Tell them you’d be very appreciative if they’d keep a watchful eye on your property and you’d be happy to return the favor.
  5. Get educated – education is the key to prevention. Learn more about what you can do to prevent break-ins and keep your family safe. The National Crime Prevention Council ( has a wonderful website full of tips you can use to stay safe. You may also find your local police or sheriff’s department has a list of resources, training courses, or educational material available to you.
This is just the first in a series of articles designed to help you stay safe and secure in your home. Stay tuned in as B&D Security continues to bring you tips, tools, and techniques you can use to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your home safe while your away from home, during the summer vacation season, during the holidays, when the kids go back to school, and every day (and night) of the year.